AK Casting Pants

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Supplier: KNIT-RITE
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Alpharetta Fresno
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Features and Benefits: A/K Casting Pants are made from tubular stockinette, split and seamed to form a body section with two open end legs.  Permits castin...
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AK Casting Pants
AK Casting Pants
Product Overview
Features and Benefits:
  • A/K Casting Pants are made from tubular stockinette, split and seamed to form a body section with two open end legs. 
  • Permits casting to the groin. 
  • The distal end for the amputated side may be cut and sewn to proper length (optional). 
  • For modesty, have the patient don two cast pants, leave one on patient when the cast is removed. 
  • Leg length is long enough for knee disarticulation amputations. 
  • Available in two fabrics: A/K All Cotton Rib-Knit Stockinette, and A/K 50% Cotton Rib-Knit Stockinette, 50% Compressogrip. 
  • Sold each. 
  • Over 150% stretch.
Typically in Stock Yes
Material Compressogrip, Cotton
Rewards No
Supplier URL www.knitrite.com
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