Harmony P4 Vacuum Pump

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Supplier: OTTOBOCK
L Code: L5781,L5984,L5988
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The Harmony P4 is a line extension to our mechanical vacuum pump line whose design is shorter and reaches vacuum faster than existing pumps. The Harmony P4 also...
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Harmony P4 Vacuum Pump
Harmony P4 Vacuum Pump Harmony P4 Vacuum Pump
Product Overview

The Harmony P4 is a line extension to our mechanical vacuum pump line whose design is shorter and reaches vacuum faster than existing pumps. The Harmony P4 also has vertical shock reducing pylon and torsion unit incorporated in addition to active vacuum volume management. The unique direct connection to the socket also eliminates any external tubing. With over 1" less clearance than other pumps more users can get fit with more foot options.

Clinical Benefits

  • Limb volume management
  • Reduces pistoning between the limb and socket
  • Improves residual limb health
  • Helps improve balance, reduce risk of falls and improve walking
Typically in Stock Yes
Patient Weight Limit 220lbs
Rewards No
Supplier L Code L5781, L5984, L5988
Supplier URL professionals.ottobockus.com
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