Comfy Grip Hand

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Supplier: LENJOY
L Code: L3807
Warehouse Availability:
Alpharetta Fresno
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The Comfy™ Grip Hand Orthsosis is an adjustable splint used to support the wrist and gradually increase finger extension. The frame is designed to slide oin g...
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Comfy Grip Hand
Comfy Grip Hand Comfy Grip Hand
Product Overview

The Comfy™ Grip Hand Orthsosis is an adjustable splint used to support the wrist and gradually increase finger extension. The frame is designed to slide oin graduated finger rolls to increase finger extension.This popular orthosis supports the wrist and uses soft rolls to gradually encourage finger extension. Frame can easily slide between palm and contracted fingers

  • Two graduated finger rolls included
  • Adult sizing only (see special sizing chart below)
  • Order Right or Left
  • Headliner Material only
Typically in Stock Yes
Rewards No
Supplier L Code L3807
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