Liner-Liner Prosthetic Sock with IONIC+

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Supplier: KNIT-RITE
L Code: L8420,L8430
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Alpharetta Fresno
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THE CLINICAL MINUTE Liner-Liner Overview and Features: A prosthetic sock designed to be worn under a suspension liner next to the skin.  Relieves ...
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Liner-Liner Prosthetic Sock with IONIC+
Liner-Liner Prosthetic Sock with IONIC+
Product Overview


Liner-Liner Overview and Features:

A prosthetic sock designed to be worn under a suspension liner next to the skin. 

  • Relieves skin shear irritations and improves comfort with liners. 
  • Tested and proven beneficial for amputees who wear liners as the primary interface. 
  • Ultra-thin material minimizes compromise to liner's suction grip on skin. 
  • IONIC+ fibers to inhibit odor in the sock; transport heat and moisture away from the limb. 
  • Washable interface keeps liner cleaner and helps control skin irritations. 
  • High stretch for excellent fitting qualities. less sizes required to fit most wearers. 
  • 5.8% Lycra spandex, 94.2% polyester/IONIC+ (5%) 
  • Note to prosthetists: Due to the shearness of sock material, liner suspension should not be affected, however, suspension should be examined and verified for each wearer. Advise and select candidates accordingly.
Hazmat No
Typically in Stock Yes
Material IONIC+, Lycra Spandex, Polyester
Rewards 3% Rewards
Supplier L Code L8420, L8430
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